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June 21, 2023

Monthly Mindset: Our Core Values

This is the first edition of the “Monthly Mindset.” This is going to be a new email series from myself that will over time really define who we are as a gym and as a community! I am very excited to start this series, as it is going to shed a little light onto the mindset benefits that we gain from CrossFit, outside of the fitness that exists on the surface. There is a lot of value in what we do mentally that carries over to life that makes this something more, and that knowledge is what I aim to give. It drives my life every day, and I want to share that with you.

To kick this thing off, we are going to begin with CrossFit Ares Core Values. Now you may not recognize these right away, because they have never existed before! Makes sense, right? But notice I said “right away?” I believe these values will become more familiar as I begin to explain, because at the foundation of what makes this facility great, is these very values.

It took me a while to find these. They were there, I just did not know what they were or could not see them just yet. Over the past year I have gone through a few different exercises to try to define these values, but always left not satisfied. I took time between each exercise to let things develop more, and then would try again, until I finally completed it one day and just felt so confident that this was the heart and soul of CrossFit Ares.

I hope as you read this, digest the information, and start to really see it yourselves in here, that these core values will resonate with each of you so that when somebody asks you, or you wonder yourself why you do it, this will give you that “why,” and the mindset to go out and conquer anything you put your mind too.

CrossFit Ares Core Values:

Dedication. Growth. Community. Fun.



“Making the commitment to yourself.” All of us have a deeper desire and purpose to constantly be on the pursuit to a better version of ourselves. The status quo does not sit well with us, as we know we are capable of so much more, and see just how far we can take it. We have a deep appreciation for ourselves and becoming the best we can be. That’s why we keep doing this stuff every day right? It certainly is not easy. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it is stressful. But we keep coming back day in and day out for more, on that pursuit to “better.”

All of us started at different points in our journeys, and we continue to be at different points in our journeys, but we all have our sight on the horizon. We know we are capable, regardless of age and ability, and any time society that tells us “we can’t.” Because WE CAN.

Dedication is the first core value because we are a diverse community of people with the same desire to get better, and we show up every day in pursuit of that aspiration.


“Becoming the person you want to be.” We live for pushing the needle forward. We celebrate small wins together, and we recognize that small set-backs do not define us. Regardless of where we are in our journeys, growth is possible, and we grow together. I can almost guarantee the person we are today was not the same person we were when we started, inside and outside of the gym. With every class, every lift, every drop of sweat, and every relationship we have made here, we have grown into something better than yesterday.

Growth is the second core value because the goal of what we do is not to bury ourselves into the ground and kill ourselves, but to grow into something amazing. Something that we believe we can be. We grow as an athlete, a person, a mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, co-worker. We grow a little every time we enter and leave the gym.


At the heart and soul of CrossFit Ares, exists the best group of people you can find. Compassionate, caring, hard-working, and the list goes on. When I was purchasing the gym, this family that we have here, was the biggest determining factor that dictated how valuable this place was to me personally, it was my “why.” The friendships that have developed here are ones that are so genuine and unique, you truly feel the special energy when you walk through the door every day.

We push each other, we care for each other, and we want the best for each other. Day in and day out, 24 hours, 7 days a week, the CFAmily is present. With undeniable support and fun, what you feel when you enter our gym is unlike any other place you could ever find. We are built on the foundation of the family we have here and that is unbreakable.


“Work Hard and Have Fun.” Nobody ever dedicated themselves to something that wasn’t fun by nature. We take care of our body and mind to be able to have the best life we possibly can, and a good life, is a fun life! Just because the work we do is hard doesn’t mean it’s not fun!

Everything we do, every accomplishment we achieve, we have fun doing it. This will never stop being fun. The 60 minutes you spend in class is the best 60 minutes of your day. Regardless of what is going on outside of the gym, you can always count on this hour to let everything else go, be with your friends and family, and have a great freaking time! Fun will always be at the core of CrossFit Ares. That will never change. It is who we are!

Keep these values in the back of your mind next time you come to class and let them really burn bright and see everything CrossFit Ares is. The next time somebody asks you about your gym, it will be easy to communicate why we are who we are.

Keep working hard!

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