Embracing Change: How to Stay on Track Through Life’s Ups and Downs

Coach John
Coach John
Change is tough, but with preparation and persistence, you can navigate life's changes and keep progressing toward your health & fitness.
Embracing Change: How to Stay on Track Through Life’s Ups and Downs

Change. Change. Change. It is freaking HARD. The biggest mistake we make I feel is that we assume it isn’t going to happen. We get things situated when everything appears to be good and assume it will be that way forever. So far from the truth!

After almost 4 years of owning the gym and helping many navigate the dreaded change of life, I have noticed it happens pretty consistently a few times a year for most people, and the biggest thing is being prepared.

What are the big culprits? Simple.

-       Work gets busy

-       Kids are on vacation

-       Kids are back to school

-       Sports

-       Dealing with an injury

-       Babies

All of this stuff happens. Sometimes we know when and sometimes we don’t but assuming that it won’t happen is the issue.

So how do we navigate this stuff. Start with understanding it is going to be hard, and don’t assume it is not. All change is hard. We get used to a routine it becomes the norm and then figuring out something different stinks, but it is part of the process. So know that it is going to be challenging and just accept that fact and give yourself some grace.

Second, know that the first attempt at correcting the issue probably won’t work. Maybe the second or the third won’t either, but I promise it will. It takes a little guess and test to find the new solution that works best and eventually you will find the new system or routine that sticks.

Third, you’re going to want to quit at times. You’re going to not want to do it or not want to go. You’re going to be tired. You’re going to think of every reason not to. Do everything you can to just get something done, even if it wasn’t the one thing that was planned.

Checking the box over time is going to be incredibly more beneficial than the ups and downs of succumbing to change. You are not going to miss out on anything. You are not going to lose anything. What you will do is continue moving forward towards long term health and longevity. Sometimes it will be a run, sometimes a walk, and sometimes a crawl. Just don’t stop. You can do it.

Finally, utilize your coach as someone to lean on. This is what we do and the service we provide. We guide you through your workouts to do the correct things to progress and stay safe, and we also help you navigate difficult times and see the bigger picture. Let us know what is going on, it will be a huge help!

Your health and fitness go beyond just getting a workout in. We say best version of yourself, but that also goes far beyond physical results related to exercise. When we say the best version of you, we mean the less stressed, the more loving, the confident, eager, and willing version of you. You bring this version of you to your family and loved ones. The ones that matter in busy and challenging times. When you are stressed and not giving yourself some basic needs, it only increases the stress and becomes harder to deal with.

So when that ugly change of schedule or routine rears its head again, just take a deep breath. Figure out what you can do. Ask for help, and take it one step at a time and you will be golden!

If you need help with some upcoming change, talk to us and reach out! We are here and ready to help!

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