Fitness Through MotherhoodFitness Through Motherhood

Fitness Through Motherhood in Wilmington, MA

Try Our Fitness Through Motherhood

Fitness Through Motherhood

Helping new Mom's get back to movement and fitness with coaching, community, and resources!

We recognized the lack of resources and programs for new Mom's to get back to fitness and activity after getting cleared by the doctor after birth. Typically this is an "all clear!" and not much more after that. Which leaves the question of "What now?"

The truth of the matter is, in our experience coaching Moms, every individual is different and is on their own journey. This makes a typical cookie cutter approach to fitness not a good fit for most Moms. That's where Fitness Through Motherhood comes in!

This program originated at CrossFit Babylon in Long Island, NY from owner/coach Trish Evangelista. Trish is a Mom, Coach, and Business Owner that saw the need for a more individual approach after her own poor experience after birth.

Fitness Through Motherhood aims to provide the coaching, community and resources that new Moms need on this journey back to activity in our 6 week program.

Things that are taken into consideration in the program:

  • Previous fitness experience and goals going forward.
  • Individual needs and experience of each Mom.
  • Symptom and symptom management through local resources and specialists that focus specifically on Moms, postpartum and pelvic floor.
  • Flexibility to bring your baby to class during a quiet time in the gym so you can get your personal time for exercise but still be able to tend to the little one if needed.
  • A strong community of Moms just like you, on the same journey as you.

This program is meant to bridge the gap between new motherhood and getting back OR starting a new fitness journey!

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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